Sunday, April 14, 2013


I used to hate Sundays. Mainly because it reminded me of the weekend being over and having to go back to school the next day. Sundays in college feel a lot different than they did when I was in high school. I feel a lot more relaxed and happier. My dad is on his way to pick me up and take me to eat, and after to do some shopping at target. I like spending time with my father. Especially on Sunday's. When I was smaller, my family: my mom, dad, brother and I would take a trip up by bear mountain. We'd either just buy sandwiches and eat them at a random secluded spot in the woods, or go hiking or something like that. It was nice. Sundays remind me of those days. It's a good feeling.

My Sunday has been significantly productive. I got to see my father, got some food shopping done, bought a new phone case, drove around for a bit.. Being around where I used to live always brings back so many memories. As we passed by my elementary school, I remembered everything from taking the cheese bus in the morning, walking in the building, going to my classroom, having lunch and recess, playing with the boys because I hated how delicate and boring the girls were to play with, gym class.. Basically everything. I didn't have many friends in elementary school. I had my two close friends who lived next door that went there but that I never saw because we were all in different classes, but other than them, I really didn't have any friends. It's not that I didn't want friends, it's just that no one really wanted to be mine haha. It's funny to me because it was funny to me even back then. I really didn't mind. Life is always unpredictable and leads us in a different direction everyday whether we realize it or not. We grow, things change, and whether we believe this or not either, we all find and make new friends along the way.

Well since I'm back, I'm ready to fulfill the rest of my Sunday by studying for my Macroeconomics exam tomorrow. JOY.



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